22 Nov Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer
Family Law why use an Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer?
Many divorcing and separating Central Coast Families think they need to go to Sydney to get quality Family Law advice.
Wrong. I’m an Accredited Specialist Family Law solicitor. What does that mean? It means I have sat exams, interviews and assignments set by the Law Society of New South Wales (where over 60% of candidates fail) and passed. I also have to do double the hours of ongoing professional development course hours to remain an Accredited Specialist Family Law Solicitor recognised by the Law Society of New South Wales.
No, you don’t have to go to Sydney (or pay Sydney prices) to get quality, professional and expert Family Law Advice when you are going through a divorce or separation.
When you do the shop around just very be careful of those who call themselves “Family Law Experts” or “Family Law Specialists”. Unless they display the Law Society of NSW Accredited Specialist Accreditation logo, they are not Accredited Specialists.
Don’t risk your future with these imitators, if they don’t use the Accredited Specialist logo, ask your family lawyer why not. Many will say “I’ve been around so long; I don’t need to do that”. The truth is the failure rate to become an Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer is so high that they haven’t attempted specialisation or have failed the process.
By the way, there is no course or curriculum to study. To attain specialisation a Family Lawyer has to know everything about Family Law. This includes applying complex Family Law legislation, knowing the application of case law (how the Court applies the law), the rules of Court and how to best serve clients to avoid even going to Court.
When your life is in crisis, don’t trust your future to a generalist or imposter; only trust an Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer. That way you know you are in good hands.
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